Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Virtual Volunteering

Last year, I went with a horse friend of mine to buy a 2nd saddle for her daughter. The lovely couple were selling all their horse goods as they had sold their home and were moving into an apartment. They had retired and knew that they couldn't afford horses on a pension.

As more horse people are reaching their mid-life and/or retiring, sadly many are deciding to reduce their number of horses or choosing to become horse-less - with regrets, I'm sure.

Virtual Volunteering

Photo Credit: flickr.com
Are you at a stage in your life where you'd like to help out your local club or equine organization but don't have the time, funds, or ability to help on-site?

Are you tired of travelling to meetings and admin functions but still want to help?

Let's help from home.

Here are some ideas I came up with to be able to help from home:
 1. Data entry or recording of minutes from a meeting.
 2. Maintain your club's social media pages like facebook, Barnmice, etc.
 3. Create eFlyers and distribute through email
 4. Maintain the club's website.
 5. Write the club's newsletter through TheRider.
 6. Make phone calls to suppliers or club members on behalf of the club.
 7. Design show flyers.
 8. Send results to national clubs.
 9. Any admin function that can be done at home.

How Does It Benefit You    

Photo credit: Flickr.com

According to Stats Canada, volunteers found an increase in:
 - an improved sense of helping their club or community,
 - an increase of purpose and belonging
 - an improved level of computer and other skills, 
 - an increase in friends through their club members.

How Does It Benefit The Club?

1. Your club or organization can hold meetings via video conferencing when board members can be at home and use Skype.

2. The club will also save on overhead expenses when they can do video conferencing of meetings and not have to rent space.

3. The club can save on time when they can email volunteers with projects to be done instead of face to face.

There are already many projects done for a club at home, like accounting and membership maintenance.

How To Get Started? Is this Right for You?

If you feel that you want to still contribute to your club, stay active, stay connected and have skills (say that you developed during your career) and want to help your club, then virtual volunteering maybe for you.

If you've always wanted to try something and learn a new skill, perhaps volunteering for your club would be an easy way to try it. I'm sure contacting someone on your board of directors would be a great place to start!

Have fun.

Putting my spin on Virtual Volunteering!
@KISS Reiners

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