Since this is the final article in the series on conditioning, I will use the following time frames and exercises for the 1st stage or legging up.
4 Stages of Conditioning - Stage 1 - Legging Up With Winter & No Arena.
The length of the session is based on monitoring the horse's energy level (horse health check) and stopping before the horse gets too tired and learns to resent training/riding sessions. Each part of the session is lengthened as the horse gets in shape. There is always groundwork, warm up & cool down.
1st Month - Legging Up, Winter, No Arena
Emphasis this month: ground work & warm up. Longeing & riding will be light in the last 2 weeks. They may not be able to do a full session the first couple of weeks.
1st & 2nd Week : We're working up to a 1hr.+ session of walking.
*Groundwork Exercises - half, most or all of session (1hr+/-)
- List: Index of exercises, all Flexing exercises, see PREVIOUS ARTICLE section on side bar for more.
*Warm up flexing exercises - introduce in middle part of session (15mins+/-)
- List: Warm up, Mount Up&Flexing, Cruise Control, see side bar for more
* Body Control Longeing - introduce in last part of session (15mins+/-)
- List: Longeing, see side bar for more
- If the horse is really out of shape, I would leave out any longeing in the first week or so. That would only leave the free longeing.
* Riding at a walk - probably not the first two weeks
- Probably not in shape for riding/walking depending on the horse. I did not ride Lady in the first couple of weeks. I did exercises in the barn.
* Lots of cool down& End on a Good Note - however long it takes
- The walking/hand walking is a great way to cool the horse down. (Some people use automatic walkers. I don't have one so I can't comment. Please refer to the internet.)
3rd & 4th Week : The horse should be well into the groundwork/warm up exercises than the previous 2 weeks. The horse should be able to start riding now unless they are still out of shape. The groundwork exercises will decrease slightly once horse is able to handle the exercise&skill and as the riding part of workout increases since the horse will be in shape for it.
*Groundwork exercises - first part of session (15mins.+/-)
*Warm up flexing exercises - middle part of session (15mins.+/-)
-see side bar for a list of warm up exercises.
*Warm up flexing exercises - middle part of session (15mins.+/-)
-see side bar for a list of warm up exercises.
*Body Control Longeing exercises - middle part (15mins.+/-)
* Riding at a walk - introduce in last part of session (15mins. - 1/2hr.)
- The length of time riding at a leisure walk will increase to 1hr. as the horse gets in shape.
* Lots of cool down& End On a Good Note. - however long it takes
2nd Month - Legging Up, Winter, No Arena
Emphasis: Riding at a walk, jog & trot. The groundwork exercises will consist of mostly longeing and warm up. The warm up exercises will go from groundwork to mounted.
1st & 2nd Week : We're working up to a 1hr.+ session at a jog and trot.
*Groundwork/Body Control Longeing exercises - first part (15mins.+/-)
*Mounted Warm up flexing exercises - middle part (15mins.+/-)
- (see side bar for a list of warm up exercises).
* Riding at a walk - last part (1/2hr.+/-)
* Riding at a walk - last part (1/2hr.+/-)
* Riding at a jog - introduce at the end of session (10-15mins+/-)
- The length of time riding at a jog will increase to an hour riding on an easy surface.
* 'Cool em out' - however long it takes
3rd & 4th Week : The horse should be well into riding at a walk and some jogging. Trotting is introduced.
*Groundwork/Body Control Longeing exercises - first part (15mins+/-)
*Mounted Warm up flexing exercises - first part (15mins.+/-)
- (see side bar for a list of warm up exercises).
* Riding at a walk - middle part (1/2hr.+/-)
* Riding at a jog - last part of session (1/2hr+/-)
* Riding at a jog - last part of session (1/2hr+/-)
* Riding at a trot - introduce at the end of session (10-15mins+/-)
- The length of time riding at a jog & trot will increase to an hour riding on an easy surface.
* Lots of cool down & End on a Good Note. - however long it takes
* Lots of cool down & End on a Good Note. - however long it takes
3rd Month - Legging Up, Winter, No Arena
Emphasis: Riding at a jog, trot & lope/slow canter.
1st & 2nd Week : We're working up to a 1hr.+ session at a jog ,trot and some loping/slow canter.
*Groundwork/Body Control Longeing exercises - first part (15mins.+/-)
*Groundwork/Body Control Longeing exercises - first part (15mins.+/-)
- Will still do longeing exercises as groundwork.
*Mounted Warm up flexing exercises - first part (15mins.+/-)
*Mounted Warm up flexing exercises - first part (15mins.+/-)
- (see side bar for a list of warm up exercises).
* Riding at a walk - middle part of session (1/2hr.+)
* Riding at a jog - middle part (15mins. - 1/2hr+/-)
* Riding at a jog - middle part (15mins. - 1/2hr+/-)
* Riding at a trot - last part of session (15mins. - 1/2hr+/-)
* Riding at a lope/slow canter - introduce at end of session (10-15mins+/-)
- The length of time riding at a lope/slow canter will increase to an hour riding on an easy surface.
* 'Cool em out!' - however long it takes walking & sight seeing!
3rd & 4th Week : The horse should be well walking, jogging & trotting. The horse, if in shape, can now be loped/slow cantered to build the conditioning.
*Groundwork/Body Control Longeing exercises - first part (15mins.-/+)
*Mounted Warm up flexing exercises - first part (15mins -/+)
- (see side bar for a list of warm up exercises).
* Riding at a walk - first part of session (1/2hr.-/+)
* Riding at a jog - middle part of session (1/2hr-/+)
* Riding at a trot - middle part (10-15mins -/+)
* Riding at a trot - middle part (10-15mins -/+)
* Riding at a lope/canter - end part (15mins - 1hr +/-)
* Lots of cool down & End on A Good Note. - however long it takes
From here the horse would go into Stage 2 Specificity or Strength Training, where for me, that would be introducing simple reining maneuvers.
If you need help with this, please contact me. I would be happy to help! Or please feel free to comment. What's your plan?!
Happy Winter Riding!
Information package available on my fun, innovative approach.
Putting my spin on conditioning.
©Copyright KISS Reiners
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