Monday, September 23, 2024

Time Will Tell - My Long Awaited Time to Ride Again!

 I want to share a really heart warming story that happened to me recently after stressing for a year and a half. I believe it's important to share these stories. Its what makes us human. Together, we the people, can fight off all evils. I truly believe that.

Let's Start At the Top of This Story

   My old retired reining mare Jackie had an injury June 2023. I saw her having a good roll in her favorite dirt spot and when she stood up, she favored her hind right leg. She still slightly favors that leg today. 

   Unfortunately she was quite lame and had difficulty moving after that. I could tell that she hadn't broken anything - only badly sprained. Since she was an old mare I figured it would take her the summer (of 2023) to heal. Fast foreword to the fall, she wasn't getting much better that I could see and in September 2023, I considered having her put down.  I didn't want her to suffer. That would've been devastating to me since I've had her for 21 years and she's family to me for sure. I decided she needed more time to heal due to her age and the winter would give her rest.

 Moving forward now to Feb/24, I had a vet come and check Jackie to find out what had happened and whether there was a chance that she would heal ok or have her put down.  As you can imagine, it was very emotional and stressful to me.  I was also dealing with an old geriatric family dog's declining health (who ended up passing away 6 months later in Aug/24).  


 The vet told me that the mare had no injuries in her hip and may recover in time. That was some comfort anyway.  There was no other viable solution suggested and she was prescribed a pain med and time.

 Jumping ahead now to spring of 2024, I wanted to do more for my mare. I did notice that she was slowly getting better. I did research on the internet on solutions. I also thought that since walking was beneficial to me and my geriatric dogs I thought hay! why not start walking my mare. 

  So I did. Walk. Walk. Walk. At least twice a day, in and out of the stall. Up and down the driveway. Around and around the barn. She started getting better. The more I walked her, the better she walked.

Things are Looking Up

   That worked! Jackie was making significant progress. I was hopeful. Up to this point I was having to pick her feet and trimmed her hooves when I could catch her lying down. :/  Now I could pick her feet standing up.  I also thought I could possibly start riding her after 1.5yrs. Dare I try?

My First Rides After 1.5 Years

  So here we are now summer of 2024.  I've been able to hop on my mare bareback and ride her to the back field and back at a walk. She's still only at a walk today - but that's fine by me. :)

 I saddled my mare 2 weeks ago (Sep/24) and I managed to ride her just inside the entrance to my back bush.  I didn't want to push it. She was sore after that and I let her rest.

Back To Work in The Bush

   What a beautiful time to be in the bush to enjoy the fall leaves! September 2024, 1 year after the first time I thought to have my mare put down. We saddled up. Chain saw, trail ribbon and marker paint in the back pack, and we headed to the bush to work. I hadn't done anything to maintain the trails since Jackie's injury.

 Marking Trails

  As you can see by this photo, I use Jackie to position myself to a branch where I can tie the marker ribbon to strategic trees along the trail.  I was thrilled!  To enjoy the fall leaves, work in my bush again, riding my mare. 

Jackie Helping Me to Mark Trails

 Jackie Can Help Removing Cut Branches

 I was able to ride and trim and mark trails along 1 side of my bush. That was fantastic. I didn't think that she could go that far.  I have over 5 miles of trails in the bush but we have plenty of time before the snow flys. More time to enjoy the fall colors!
Jackie Helping Me to Remove Cut Branches

  I can't tell you how thrilled and happy and relieved I am to have spent that day with Jackie. And there will be many more!

  May you enjoy those special times with your horse!

 Putting My Spin on Time Will Cure
 @KISS Reiners

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